The crossfit bar pads & weightlifting Cross Pads or otherwise silencer drop pads are entirely made by our company. They are exclusively available by Afrokoptiki. It is a great innovation for weightlifting and crossfit athletes.
For those of you who are looking for a special accessory during weight training, the Cross Pads of are the best solution. They are always available in pairs and have extremely durable handles for easy transport.
It helps athletes not to strain their waist and not to cause damage to the ground. Absorbs vibrations and sounds during impact. Especially helpful in professional spaces such as gyms on the ground floor or basements, where the impact creates great noise and vibration.
The dimensions of Cross Pads per piece are 70Χ60Χ14.
They’re made of hard foam for weightlifting and crossfit.
We give you the opportunity to request the Crossfit bar Pads &Weightlifting Cross Pads in any dimension you wish, as well as all our designs, or even your own choices of designs and constructions. Send us an email with your requests at: