“Afrokoptiki handmade mattress Like No Monday offers a special embrace of different layers of premium layering materials such as latex, memory aroma cool, water foam and aloe. It evenly distributes body weight and keeps it stable, keeping the spine at the right levels so that the body rests and does not create pain, following the anatomy of the body.
Like No Monday has the property of being adjastable. That is, to adapt to any pressure and weight and to give the necessary balance. The natural latex (5cm) where is the first layer from top to bottom in the layer gives the freshness the elasticity and naturalness that the body needs.The memory aroma cool (6 cm) is an advanced form of memory foam where it is cool with normal recovery and without changes in hardness based on the weather as in the trade (hard in the cold months, very soft in the hot). Thus it maintains the same hardness and gives a smooth sinking and not abrupt so as to gently brake the spine and keep it in balance. It has aromatherapy properties with its very mild and ecological aroma.
Water foam (14 cm) is the support for the above materials to do their job properly but also does not allow the mattress to make dents and irregularities.
Net thickness: 25 cm
Final layer thickness: 27 cm
Mattress hardness: (medium to soft) 5.8 / 10